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What is a life annuity?

  • Life annuities are the only products that guarantee an income for life Irrespective of the number of years you live.
  • Guaranteed returns You won’t be subject to stock market fluctuations
  • Wide range of annuities So you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Tax advantages As only a small fraction of your monthly income will be taxable. It also enables you to leave capital to your beneficiaries with advantages in regards to inheritance tax (with the exception of Life Pension).
  • Remember that... You can take out a life annuity with decreasing capital from only €12,000.

Choose your ideal annuity product


Life penssion

Life Annuity Decreasing Capital

Life Annuity 70%

Life Annuity 80%

Life Annuity 90%

Life Annuity 100%

Who is it for?

For people who want to collect the highest income possible without leaving capital to their heirs.

For people who want to collect the highest income possible, trying to keep a part of the capital for their heirs.

For people who want to keep 70%, 80% or 90% of their capital for their beneficiaries.

For people who want to keep the entire capital for their beneficiaries.

Net annual income as long as you live¹








Capital or Income in case of death for beneficiaries 

The insured can choose whether (or not) they want a second insured to continue collecting an income.²

Capital equal to the Premium contributed minus the rents collected.³

Capital equal to 70% of the premium.

Capital equal to 80% of the premium.

Capital equal to 90% of the premium.

Capital equal to 100% of the premium plus additional death capital.⁴

Risk indicators1/62/72/72/72/72/7
Rescue value

It's not possible.

Allows full redemption by receiving the lower of the death capital and its market value.⁵

It allows full redemption by receiving the lower of the death capital and the market value of its mathematical provision.⁵

Allows full redemption, receiving the lower of the market value and the premium contributed.⁵

1. Example for a premium of 100,000 euros and a 70-year-old insured, as of October 15, 2022.

2. If the first insured person dies without having contracted a reversal, the right to receive the income will be extinguished and will not give rise to the recovery of the remaining balance by the possible heirs.

3. The capital in case of death can be equal to zero depending on the years that have elapsed since the contract.

4. Corresponds to 10% of the premium up to a limit of €12,000 for insured persons <65 years of age and €600 for insured persons >=65 years of age or with aggravated risks.

5. Partial redemption is not allowed. The execution of the redemption may entail capital losses depending on the date on which it is carried out and the evolution of market rates, in relation to the price of the asset affected by the investment. In general terms, if the market interest rates are equal to or lower than those at the time of contracting the product, the redemption value will coincide with the value of the death capital. In the event of an increase in interest rates, the redemption value will be less than the capital contributed.


Product taxation

Taxation of annuity collection

Income received during the year from a life annuity will be subject to personal income tax as investment income to be included in the savings base. The advantage of this is that only a percentage of the income will be taxable. This taxable percentage will depend on the age of the insured at the time of taking out the annuity plan, and it will remain constant throughout the term of the insurance*:
24 %
60 - 65 years of age
66 - 69 years of age
From the age of 70

Taxation in the event of death

The beneficiaries must pay inheritance and gift tax on the capital or income received, with the particularity that as it is a life insurance policy spouses, ascendants and descendants of first degree, and adoptive and adopted children will enjoy a reduction in their taxable base, which may vary according to the autonomous community.
Canary Islands
Balearic Islands
Basque Country

The amount subject to inheritance and gift tax, from which the above-mentioned reductions may be deducted, depends on whether the beneficiaries receive capital sums or an annuity: if they receive capital sums, the capital received is subject to tax; if they receive an annuity, they are taxed based on a mathematical formula.

Not sure what the ideal savings and pension product for you is?

Don’t worry. Our product recommender will help you find out which product is right for you with just a few questions. Start recommender

Have any other questions?

Is it possible to redeem a life annuity?

The possibility of exercising the right of redemption depends on the type of annuity taken out. As the tax implications of redemption are highly significant, it’s therefore not advisable.

What would be involved in redeeming an annuity in the forms in which redemption is permitted?

The redemption of an annuity in the case of annuities that allow redemption will always have tax implications, and it may or may not have financial implications:

Tax implications

The previously exempt income must be taxed, meaning that tax advantages enjoyed until that time will be lost.

Financial implications

Depending on the type of annuity taken out and the time at which it’s redeemed, this may entail the loss of part of the capital contributed.

For both reasons, it’s not advisable to take out an annuity if you expect to need the capital in the future.

What will happen if I live for less time than indicated in my life expectancy prediction?

It will depend on the type of annuity you have taken out. We offer a wide range of annuities, some of which allow you to leave your beneficiaries a capital sum or lifetime monthly annuity.

How can I find out which annuity is best for me?

In order to select the best annuity, there are basically three things to consider:

  1. Whether your monthly annuity will cover your needs.
  2. Whether you want your capital sum or annuity to be transferred to your heirs in the event of your death.
  3. Whether or not the annuity can be redeemed
What will happen if I am lucky enough to live a much longer-than-expected life?

The advantage of annuities is that they guarantee payment of the agreed income for as long as you live. You will therefore be able to enjoy your annuity income for many years to come.


Find out about other policies

Income received during the year from a life annuity will be subject to personal income tax as investment income to be included in the savings base. The advantage of this is that only a percentage of the income will be taxable. This taxable percentage will depend on the age of the insured at the time of taking out the annuity plan, and it will remain constant throughout the term of the insurance*: 

A withholding income tax at the flat rate of 19% will be applied. 

* Exception: In Navarra, these percentages will be applied according to the age of the annuitant at the time of receipt of each annuity. 


*Covers and services subject to the policy’s terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions as set out in the schedule and terms and conditions.

Life Equity, Life Pension, Life Equity Decreasing Capital and Life Equity 70-80-90  are life/savings insurance policies that are subject to the terms and conditions stated in the policy issued by BanSabadell Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, holder of Tax ID No. A08371908 and with registered office at Calle Isabel Colbrand, 22, 28050 Madrid, registered in the Madrid Companies Register and in the Insurance Entities Register of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under code C-0557. 

Insurance brokered by BanSabadell Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado del Grupo Banco Sabadell, S.A., holder of Tax ID No. A03424223, with registered office at Av. Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante. Registered in the Alicante Companies Register and in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Intermediaries of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under code 0V-0004, having taken out a liability insurance policy pursuant to prevailing regulations on private insurance and reinsurance distribution