Home insurance
Health insurance
Car insurance
Lifecare insurance
Savings and pensions
Funeral insurance
Payment protection

Steps to access the medical check-up

  • 01
    Complete the access form

    Enter your policy number and fill in the details to access the App.

    Go here 

  • 02
    Download the app

    Receive confirmation and download the Sanitas app by registering with the access code that they will provide you.

    If you are already a Sanitas customer, the option will be enabled automatically after registering.

  • 03
    Make an appointment

    Enjoy this service during the first year of validity of your policy.

What does this exclusive medical check-up include?*

Why is this check-up important?

With this check-up, you'll not only get a comprehensive view of your health, but you'll also be able to prevent possible future problems.

Because prevention is the key to a long and healthy life, and we want to be with you every step of the way.

  • Early detection of diseasesIdentifying health problems in their early stages significantly increases the chances of effective treatment and recovery.
  • Health monitoring and maintenanceComprehensive assessment of the patient's current health status.
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyleRecommendations on diet, exercise and other healthy habits, helping patients make positive changes in their lifestyle.

*New policies from 08/26/2024 and during the first year after contracting

Life Care, Life Care Mujer are life insurance policies of BanSabadell Vida, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, with NIF A08371908 and registered office at Calle Isabel Colbrand, No. 22, 28050, Madrid. Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Entities of the DGSyFP, with code C-0557.

Accidentes premium is an insurance policy of BanSabadell Seguros Generales, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros with NIF A-64194590 and registered office at Calle Isabel Colbrand 22 28050 Madrid. Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Entities of the DGSyFP with code C-0767.

Service provided by Sanitas Sociedad Anónima de Seguros, with NIF A28037042 and registered office at c/ Ribera del Loira, number 52, 28042 Madrid, Spain, registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Entities of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds with code C-320.

BanSabadell Seguros Generales, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, with NIF A64194590 and registered office at c/ Isabel Colbrand, number 22, 28050 Madrid, Spain, registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Entities of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds with code C-0767.


Mediator: Bansabadell Mediación, a Linked Insurance-Banking Operator of the Banco Sabadell Group, S.A., NIF A-03424223, with registered office at Avenida Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered in the Commercial Registry of Alicante and in the Administrative Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors of the DGSyFP with code no. OV-0004, acting for Sanitas, S. A. de Seguros, having subscribed to a civil liability insurance in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on the distribution of private insurance and reinsurance in force at any given time. You can consult the insurance entities with which BanSabadell Mediación has entered into an insurance agency contract on the website www.bancosabadell.com/bsmediacion